Education and profession of engineering is the power and effort of revealing results for the benefits of human and humanity by reaching to synthesis by means of intelligence and experience of knowledge that is obtained academically and experimentally. Thus, engineering education required more mathematical and analytical thinking skills as compared with education in other departments. Students who shall receive engineering education should have a basic knowledge of especially mathematics, and physics, chemistry and even biology as per those departments that they shall choose. In engineering education, there are main departments such as Chemical Engineering and there are also other departments which could be occurred by the combination of several departments or between those departments but at the end unique such as biotechnological engineering. Given as examples from engineering departments which are mostly and commonly preferred in Turkey such as Electric – electronic engineering, computer engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering and biotechnological engineering. Most favorite universities in Turkey for engineering departments are those which has the word of “technical” in their names and which are describes as Technical universities, as well as there are ther ruling and famous universities which are preferred by students who would like to receive engineering education. Those are especially Boğaziçi University, Istanbul Technical University, Middle East Technical University, Yıldız Technical University, Hacettepe University, Bilkent University and Koç University. Besides those famous and favorite universities; those universities which are located mostly in the industrial regions of the country and which are well-known as being industrial tendency could be given as examples such as Gebze Advanced Technology University, Sakarya University and other universities located in Bursa province. For example, since Bursa is one of the most developed locations of Europe in automotive industry, engineering education in the region is being developed and effected in a positive manner. Those universities bring forward with their opportunities for internship. Moreover, students who are gradated from any engineering departments in Turkey that have MUDEK accreditation, are entitled to receive EUR ACE and WASHINGTON ACCORD certificates. By means of those certificates, their education is registered in all over the world and they gain recognition as engineers. Engineering programs which give MUDEK Certificate are those high quality programs which you should think of making registration. Course language in engineering departments is mostly 100% English or a part of it is in English. Thus, English preparatory class must be obtained and passed. Universities, sometimes excuse students from English preparatory class if they already passed examinations with certain validity or if they already passed their own examinations. In this preparatory class shall not be taken into consideration, engineering education lasts 4 years. Students, who pass all examinations in 4 years and who make their internships for 40 days in the industry in summer season, shall be graduated at the end of their last year after preparing a thesis.
Completing high school education is the fundamental and common condition in order to be accepted to those departments and it is required to obtain minimum points from language examinations which are allowed/accepted by universities generally. Since each university assesses the applications individually, it must be noted that they could submit different conditions of application for example, it is required to obtain 60 or more points from foreign language exam.
Engineering education in Turkey is divided into two programs such as 2 years of associate degree education or 4 years of bachelor’s degree education programs. Many associate degree programs give an opportunity to continue to bachelor’s degree immediately after the graduation without losing any time. Students, who complete their bachelor’s degree education, could continue to master’s degree education which is a more academic level. Master’s degree education in Turkey is in two types as master’s degree education with thesis and master’s degree education without thesis. Master’s degree education programs without thesis are more industry-oriented than academic for whom are mostly working professionally. Students, who receive master’s degree education without thesis, are persons who are sought industrially but this is not appropriate for students who would like to continue to doctorate education and who would like to have an academic career. In master’s degree education without thesis, students shall be graduated by creating projects rather than thesis. Master’s Degree education with thesis lasts generally 2 years, 1 year for courses and 1 year for thesis preparation in Turkey. Master’s degree education without thesis generally lasts 2 years, such as 1 year for courses and 1 year for project. Those students, who shall complete their master’s degree education, could go on in their academic career plans by being registered to doctorate programs.